Training in Responsible AI

Artificial intelligence offers the prospect of innovation and progress, but it is also giving rise to concerns on the part of the general public, users, employees and regulators, who are demanding greater transparency and ethics from companies.  In response to this need, Positive AI and DataScientest have pooled their expertise to offer training courses for managers, data experts and employees keen to make progress on AI and make its use and development more responsible.

Positive AI trainings: acquire the skills to promote ethical and responsible AI at all levels of the organization

We offer a three-module training program to raise awareness of Responsible Artificial Intelligence at all levels of the company (managers, data experts and employees), and to meet their specific needs. 

Are you a company manager?

“Ethical leader” training: specially designed for senior executives (Board of Directors, Exec Committee, Management Board…) who want to acquire a strategic vision of AI, deepen their knowledge of major AI models and current and future national and European regulations (AI Act).

Training objectives: 

• Gain a better understanding of the concepts of ethics, law, responsibility and governance of AI and the risks, via concrete examples of companies endangered by poorly controlled AI,

• Acquire a strategic and global vision of the governance of data and algorithms, to raise awareness of AI ethics among your staff and share a common corporate vision on these issues.

How? 1 to 2 hours of classroom-based in-company training.

Are you a data expert?

“Responsible coders” training: dedicated to experts who develop AI systems and algorithms as part of their job and who are concerned about a responsible approach to their practices.

Training objectives: 

• Understand the types of bias, their impacts, and the means and methods for assessing them and reducing the risks,

• Gain a better understanding of the legal framework relating to privacy protection, data governance and AI systems,

• Develop the essential technical skills needed to put Responsible Artificial Intelligence into practice through its various key principles (privacy, bias, ethics, fairness, transparency, explainability, governance…).

How? A comprehensive 5-day inter-company program, combining face-to-face and distance learning sessions.

You are an AI user in your day-to-day work?


“Fundamentals” training: aimed at employees who work with / use data and AI on a daily basis, to raise their awareness of better ethical management and promote best practices.

Training objectives: 

• Learn how to use data and AI responsibly

• Learn about best practices, the right tools and the fundamentals of responsible AI management.  

How? 3 hours of in-house or inter-company training, combining face-to-face and remote sessions.

These training courses are provided by DataScientest, a training institute specialized in data science. Each training module includes a core syllabus with practical exercises and real-life case studies to help you understand the risks that uncontrolled AI could generate, and the solutions proposed (notions of ethics and applicable law, examples of proven AI risks, regulatory expectations of the AI ACT and its financial penalties, best practices and available tools, etc.).

Who are these training courses for ?

Our training courses are dedicated to all companies and their employees who wish to improve, acquire the knowledge and skills required to use / develop artificial intelligence responsibly. 

By training today in ethical and responsible AI, you can anticipate future regulations (AI ACT) and limit the financial risks of bringing your organization’s AI systems into compliance.

Would you like to join us in training your employees to Responsible AI?



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