The Positive AI label
The Positive AI label aims to recognize the work undertaken by the association’s member companies, certify their approach to continuous progress and ensure responsibility for their data governance and algorithms. The label is open to Positive AI members regardless of their level of maturity, sector of activity and size.
A specific approach built on the basis of a technical framework around the 6 fundamental principles of Responsible AI
The label was built by the data scientists of the founding members of Positive AI in order to respond as closely as possible to the realities that data experts experience on a daily basis while responding to the challenges of business leaders. Thus, it is part of a global approach to evaluate both corporate governance and AI systems.
- Takes into account all 6 fundamental principles of the Responsible AI framework
- Part of a holistic approach to assessing and aligning both the organization and AI systems
- Detailedly assesses Responsible AI maturity
- Identifies concrete levers to implement to progress effectively and implement a Responsible AI policy
- Covers both governance and technique of AI systems
- Enables the alignment of the organization’s teams to develop an ethical and responsible AI culture around values common to all teams
to assess the maturity of the organization
selected by Positive AI
audited organizations
In addition, the label is based on a technical framework equipped with a library of questions, actions and tools, regularly enriched by our community, and covers the 6 fundamental key principles of Responsible Artificial Intelligence, defined by the European Commission :
- Technical robustness and security
- Responsibility
- Private life
- Human intervention
- Transparency and explainability
- Justice and equity
- Social and environmental impact
Why initiate a labeling process for your business?
The Positive AI label offers organizations and companies the means to:
- to assess your level of maturity on Responsible AI,
- to identify concrete levers for progress as well as the actions and tools to respond to them,
- to promote your continuous improvement approach to Responsible AI,
- to implement data and algorithm governance that guarantees the fundamental rights of your employees and customers,
- to disseminate a culture of ethical AI around common values within the company and among future talents sharing these convictions.
Obtaining the label is delivered via an independent audit, while respecting confidentiality.
Do you want to label and commit your company to a Responsible Artificial Intelligence approach?